It was generally safer in the country during war. Not always. What are some lessons we can glean from history, war, agriculture and country living?
Light For 70 Days? Flashlight Review (ThruNite V6 SST70)
Here is my review of the ThruNite Catapult V6 SST70 flashlight. This thing is rated to have super long battery life for the lowest setting. It also has over 2800 lumens.
ThruNite Catapult V6 SST70 LED 2836 Lumens
Videos about ThruNIte
13 Ways to Avoid the Great Reset - As Long As Possible
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It is a bit expensive but it would be worth it. I have personally bought two copies. One we gave away and we bought another.
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- 15 Jobs to do while living in the country -
- How to pay off your mortgage or car faster
It is up to you! Great Reset UBI or Country Living? What is it?
UBI seems to be the wave of the future. It sounds like a friendly, generous idea, right? Give everyone free money. But might it come with a catch? What is universal basic income and who is seeking to give it?
Great Reset- What do they think of people who will live in the country?
Have you heard of the Great Reset promoted by the World Economic Forum? They tell us that soon we will own nothing and will be happy. What does this have to do with country living? They tell us. Here is the information directly from their sources.
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